To be honest I feel like I missed so much. But I was there for every moment. I remember going days without sleep because I was so scared he was going to spit up in the middle of the night and I would not hear him. Then to find out he needed surgery. That small precious little body needed actual surgery. At the time I felt numb. It was October 13th, you were only a little over a month old and at the time they took you from my arms and carried you off to be put under so they could operate I felt nothing. I watched as they carried you down the hall away from me. I stood there and kept watching even after the doors had stopped swinging, after you were completely out of my site. I stood there, empty. Not a single emotion, single feeling. 6 months later I hate myself for that. I didn't even tell you how much I loved you. But after they brought you back and told me I could hold you, I could feed you. I felt so relieved. Just to know that for the first time in two weeks you were going to be able to eat, to be able to eat and hold it down. I knew that for the first time in two weeks I could hold you in my arms and know that when you cried it wasn't because you were starving. I knew for the first time in two weeks we could sleep next to each other and I would not be so scared to fall asleep. I knew for the first time in two weeks....
...that I was doing something right.
But that is not what this post is about. This post is about all you have accomplished on your journey from six months to seven. And baby you have done a mighty lot!
From March 11th to the14th you started sitting for longer periods all by yourself. Also on the 14th you started to reach for us. You would sit in your jumperoo and hold your arms out to the side and look at me. After I while I realized you were trying to tell me you wanted out. I apologize that I didn't get it till you cried but I know now.
Then on the 15th you mastered the art of sitting.
And then there comes a time in every little boys life that they learn what a ball is. And when they learn what it is, they learn how much fun they are. So on the 17th you started to pick them up when we put them in front of you.
*notice how the balls match his outfits. I honestly don't do that on purpose, somehow I always manage to grab one that matches.
From the 19th to the 21st we went to visit your Aunt Claudia who lives in Grover Beach. While we were there we took you to your first arcade (March 20th) where you had a caricature done of you. I have to say I was amazed that you sat quietly through the whole thing.
While we were there we went to a restaurant where we learned that you LOVE fish tanks. You sat there and watched as the fish swam around. You even attempted to reach and grab at them. Never once did you hit the glass. I can honestly say I was so proud of you. I was a little nervous that you would start pounding on the glass and me and you would get in trouble. But now I really want to get you your own tank for your room.
And I will end the post here because there is so much more you have accomplished
“We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” - Walt Disney
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