- A design you would like to use. You can either go with copying it straight from the nursery theme you are going for or you can free hand a design of your own.
- Next item you are going to need is picture frames.
And the best thing about these frames is they match perfectly with the frames I have up in the room already. Seeing how I'm sharing a room with Little J these work great! You can also go as BIG or as small as you would like. I went with 4x6 cause I will be attaching them together.
Last thing you will need is:
- Paint
- Paint Brush
- Window Marker (if you are going to copy the design from something)
- Blue poka-dot ribbon, you could pick any ribbon you like as long as its wide.
Since I copied from the blanket I'm going to put those instructions but if you plan to free hand it you can skip this part.
First thing you are going to do is take the glass out of the frame and place it onto what ever you are going to copy the picture from. Take your window marker and trace the outline onto the glass when you are done your glass should look like this:
After you have your outline you can start painting as you can see in this picture I already colored in the fin green. If you wish to not have the outline just flip the glass over and paint on the other side.
After I was done painting this is how it came out. To get rid of that visible line just flip the glass back over and wipe off with water.
When I was done with everything this is how they all came out:
For added fun I free handed seaweed and bubbles to the back of the glass. If you look closely the octopus has no black dots on it's eyes like the fish and starfish. I simply used a permanent marker to drawl in the smile and pupils.
I super glued the glass to the frame , super glued ribbon to the top and bottom of two of the frames and on one I glued ribbon to hang it up. As soon as I find a picture of it hanging on the wall completely finished I will show what I mean by the ribbon.
Hope you guys like this DIY.
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