Why do I always get my hopes up? Seriously, this entire time that Joel and I have been together he has only called/texted me a handful of times. Okay I will be nice, two handfuls. Last night during our phone "date" I asked him if he would call me tomorrow. The response I got was "we will see." When he says stuff like this I wonder if he even cares about me, cares about his son! I pretty much have to beg him to come over and see him and when he does come I feel like I have to coax him into holding his son.
Yesterday I even told him that this weekend I will move back. But after waiting all day next to the phone, longing for it to ring, I am starting to have second thoughts. I love the guy, but how come he cannot show any effort? On our date Saturday he was extremely talkative. I have never seen that side of him. To be honest, it actually surprised me. He was literally starting conversations! For once in our ENTIRE relationship I did not have to start one.
So what happened today? What changed? Was it because I told him I will move in this weekend? Was it because I asked him to come over for his lunch? Or was it because I asked him if we would call me tomorrow?
All I have to say is if he does not get a hold of me before Saturday I am not moving back. Not till he can call me on his own. So please someone leave me advice, anything really, on how I can keep busy, and stay far away from the phone as possible.
That is if I do have any readers....
If he can't even call you, or see his son... he doesn't deserve to live with you. You are a strong, beautiful and loving mom who deserves love and respect. If he can't give that to you... kick him to the curb! You and your son deserve happiness :)