Monday, December 20, 2010

5: Amber Necklaces!

Okay, I know my family thinks I'm crazy when I talk about these but I really want one for my son. Heck, I not only want one for him but I want one for me as well. If you haven't heard of these before they are necklaces made out of, if you haven't guessed already, amber. And they are the best natural pain killer, or so I've heard.

To be honest, I'd honestly rather have something natural for my little man then have to rub chemicals in his mouth, let alone RUM. (Thanks for the advice grandma haha) The whole time I was pregnant I kept looking at the necklaces from Inspired by Finn but I never got around to purchasing one. Now that I'm jobless, pretty much moneyless, I would never be able to get one.

Then on Facebook tonight I come across a post about a giveaway for one. I about fainted! How amazing would it be if I, me, Andrea, won that necklace? Pretty flipping amazing if you ask me. I read the post over and over again, if you'd like to read it you can find it here:, I was starting to think I was dreaming. So I got up out of bed then came back, read it again. Still couldn't believe it! Next I pinched myself, read it again, still couldn't believe it! Then I decided if this is a dream or not I'm not losing out on this opportunity. So here I go, add this, fan that, I really want this necklace. I mean just look at them they are so cute!
Taken from Inspired by Finn's Facebook page

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